Moreno and Rossella suggest                                                     

Some years now Rick Steves given us the great honors to became his partner, of course we are proud to be in his book. As both we work to make your holidays unforgettable, we take the chance to suggest you our special menu, which give you the opportunity to taste some of our traditional recipes. Three courses menu with a sample of

Homemade pate with bread crouton
Selection of Italian hams and cured meats
Homemade vegetables preserved in olive oil

First courses
Risotto and fresh pasta day suggestion
Main dishes
Roustin negaa con patate (roasted veal loin seasoned with Parma ham, sage and white wine ) with potatoes
Lake Como fish fillet whit cherry tomatoes, basil and salad

wine and drinks aren't included
Price EURO 32,00 p.p.
Ristorante Il Caminetto - viale Progresso 4 - 23828 Gittana di Perledo (Lc) - Phone no. +39 0341 815225 / 0341 815127 - P.IVA 01212600132
Open from March 1st to December 19th.